Friday, August 2, 2013

Stone Brewing Company - Stone Farking Wheaton W00tstout


Ok, now that I've got that out of the way I guess I should introduce tonight's beer or else that's just going to seem totally random. Tonight I'm drinking the 2nd most recent Stone collaboration beer. This is a beer brewed by Greg Koch (Stone), Drew Curtis ( and Wil Wheaton (ST:TNG, Stand By Me, etc, etc Nerd, author... he does it all). This is an Imperial Stout brewed with pecans, wheat, rye and one quarter of this beer is aged in bourbon barrels.

Btw, this is my Beer of the Month for July. I know, it's a couple days late but oh well. Oh, this is also 13% abv and I believe is the strongest beer Stone Brewing has brewed up. So, it's a big fucking beer with a lot of interesting ingredients. I've had a bottle of this before but I wanted to revisit it again and really give a review. So, let's get into the w00tstout and see how it looks, smells, and tastes!

The w00tstout pours out a jet black. There's no light shining through. This is just a dark, black hole of an abyss. There was maybe a half a finger of beige/brown head which only formed because I did the most vigorous pour I've ever done. It dissipates very, very quickly and leaves behind very little lacing. A bit of a soapy film like texture to it but that's it. This is one big, intimidating looking beer. Let's get the nose on this one.

First thing is a quick waft of bourbon like booze and an immediate slap in the face of chocolate covered raisin. Dark fruits, figs, dates maybe even a slight plum character. I'm definitely picking up those pecans. This very much reminds me of a pecan pie, like bourbon soaked pecans baked into a pie. For only being a quarter aged in the bourbon barrels that character shines brightly. Lots of sweet vanilla, caramel. There's some subtle rye spice mixed in with the sweetness. I think the wheat is adding a bit of earthiness to the beer as well. But really, the stand out on the nose is the bourbon and pecans. As it warms there's a bit more alcohol shining through. 13% that shouldn't be a surprise. Alright, let's see how the w00tstout tastes!

Wow. This is such an excellent tasting beer. Right away there's that raisin character. Not as much chocolate as I picked up on the nose. Quite a bit of dates, fig adding a nice bit of chewiness. This beer just absolutely coats the entire mouth. Middle of the mouth and sides of the palate I get a lot of pecan and rye with that wheat. Seriously, it's like the aftertaste you get from eating a slice of pecan pie. Everything about this is awesome. Back end of the palate you get caramel sweetness. Lots of creaminess. The alcohol is only really noticeable for a brief moment as the beer hits the palate but then fades away quickly. Not much of a burn or heat as it goes down in the chest.

So overall, this is just a fantastic beer. For being 13% it's dangerously drinkable. The first bottle I had was a bit of a hot mess but this one is definitely bordering on perfection. I'd say pick up a couple and drink one fresh and age one for a bit to see how the flavors develop. I've got no complaints about this beer. Excellent collaboration from Stone, Drew and Wil.

Rating: A

Here's my wife giving the w00tstout a try! 

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