Hello Comrades!
You're probably wondering why I called you "comrades". Well, that's easy. I'm drinking The Czar from Avery Brewing Company out of Boulder Colorado. What's the Czar? The Czar is an 10.57% abv Imperial Stout, part of their Dictator Series. This particular bottle is from batch no. 10, November 2011. I've had this beer years ago and honestly, don't remember much about it. So I don't know about you, but I'm ready to do some Friday night drinking. Let me get this poured and I'll give you my thoughts on The Czar.
Comrades! The Czar pours out pretty dark but surprisingly not pitch black for a stout. There's about a finger of a beige head that really doesn't stick around very long. The retention time is pretty minimal and the lacing left behind is almost non-existent. Sort of surprising. There are some mahogany hues around the bottom of the glass but that's about it. This looks like a fairly standard stout, albeit not pitch black as night. Let's get the nose on the Czar.
Right up front, that caramel sweetness hits you. Some vanilla, a bit of what I'd maybe classify as a milk chocolate is present. The alcohol I was getting on the nose definitely shows up in the middle of this one. Kind of pushing the sweetness through the entire palate. Back end of this beer you get those currants, lots of them. That's paired up nicely with the roast that I was expecting but didn't pick up on the smell. Really roasty on the back end and in the back of the throat. You get a little bit of an alcohol prickle on the back end as well. For being about 2 years old, this beer still packs a bit of a punch with that alcohol. It's enjoyable though, not overpowering whatsoever. It definitely warms a bit as it makes it's way down the chest.
As I let it warm a bit more, the sweetness comes out even more. The alcohol definitely gets a little more noticeable as well. The currants are still present and definitely come out more as the beer warms. This one just gets better and better. No complaints here.
Rating: A
Here is a video of my wife trying The Czar.