Hey guys! It’s time for another beer review. Did you think
I’d forgotten about the blog? Eh, maybe just a little. Kind of trying to figure
out what I want to do with the blog going forward. But that’s a discussion for
another post down the road.
Tonight I’m drinking a new beer. Yeah, surprising I know!
I’ve had this one stashed away for a little bit, maybe 6 months or so. I think
I bought it back in late March or even early April. Tonight’s beer is part of
the Lips of Faith series from New Belgium, this is their Cascara Quad, a 10%
abv Quad brewed with date with coffee cherries added. Honestly not sure what a
coffee cherry is but I’m a little intrigued. Not a huge fan of Belgian style
beers but I’ve been kind of dabbling a little with Quads this year. Had some
good ones and I have high hopes for this one. Let’s get this poured out and
I’ll give you my thoughts.
Right away I pick up a bit of that nutty character I was
getting on the nose. That’s immediately washed away by those very ripe, dark
fruits. The plums, figs, and even some cherry. I’ve never had a coffee cherry
but I’m guessing these are what I’m getting a lot of. You get those Belgian
bready notes on the sides of the palate along with some big caramel sweetness.
This beer is surprisingly bitter and you pick up a bit of that bitterness
throughout the mouth. This quad finishes pretty dry, not like an IPA but almost
like a wine. There’s almost a syrupy after taste as I let everything kind of
linger. Very different than what I’d expect from a Quad.
So overall, I don’t hate this but I’m not sure I really like
it. I’ve had far better Quads both locally and from breweries across the
country. This doesn’t really have a lot going on that catches my attention. If
I had to describe it in a single word I’d probably use the word underwhelming.
I want to get more from this and I want to really like this a lot. But unfortunately,
I think it falls short of being “good” and it falls way short of being a beer I
pay another visit to down the line. I’d say if you were thinking of picking
this up you may want to skip it and get a good Quad rather than something
that’s just OK at best.
Rating: C-